All funds have a great need for communication with a large number of stakeholders. We are working on a prototype built around a communications platform targeted the Board and members of the decision committee of the Fund. This group of users have multiple roles, but common is a need to be updated with the status of the current "vocation". It could be: "In what area we receive most applications ',' How are settings compared with last call", "What does our budget out" mm. In short, the prototype, we are working on targeted interactive dashboards, or PDF and print with relevant information.
Our prototype combines three key aspects:
- Preparation of progress in InDesign and import
- The organization, content management and data integration
- Publishing for web and print.
Preparation of a report starts in Adobe InDesign. Here, work design and structure of the report itself. There are graphical freedom to work with visual effects - typically compiled this of funds graphic bureau in accordance with the funds' visual identity.
The organization, content management and integration ensures that Adobe InDesign can be imported into OpenFlow. We "translate" the InDesign file to a template that can be accessed via OpenFlow. From here, organized content in a workflow. All content fields, such as heading, body text, images and layout can be edited, and through version control and audit controls guarantee the editorial process. In short it is an online WYSYWYG InDesign document. You can insert data directly from OpenFlow with figures and statistics on the current "call", visualized as graphs or tables. All this based on a clear and quick access to a "finger on the pulse" capture Directors.
Differences between the versions can be viewed via "audit slider" Here is evident visual and textual differences.
Publishing to Web and press can be done via PDF or HTML responsive. We currently have. PDF-ready and working on HTML part - here is a portion to be worked on, but with HTML opens up new possibilities for "data drill down" if necessary. combined with live data.
The fund can then work with the same template, organize and publish content.
The need for data and distribution on various platforms will increase, also for decision-makers in funds. It is therefore essential that the quantity and quality of data can be controlled and directed so that the Fund shall take the best decisions based on data and insight.
See a small demo here on import and editing: